We are hiring for 2024
Farm Crew positions!
Our farm season runs late April or early May through early-mid October.
Farming can be hard work while being repetitive and requiring a lot of attention to detail. Make sure you are comfortable with the thought of weeding for hours or hauling and washing thousands of roots in an afternoon, even in cold or rainy weather! You will be dirty, wet, cold and tired at times.
Also be aware of the fact that we end up spending hours on our knees - those with significant knee injuries or pain might have a hard time. There is no good way to efficiently do the work we do without being on our knees while we harvest and hand weed.
I no longer offer internships. My crew is critical to my success and to my ability to pull this off, and I have come to the conclusion that that relationship deserves paid recompense. That said, I love to teach what I know and can talk about farming longer than anyone wants to hear!
Duties include the full range of small-scale farming work, such as bed preparation, transplanting, weeding, harvesting and washing produce. Employees will be trained in the use of hand tools and small machinery as necessary. Our farm crew usually consists of 5-7 employees. Employees must be physically fit and willing to work outdoors in all weather. A positive curious attitude is a plus.
Prior experience in farming is not necessary but we will prioritize applicants who have experience with outdoor physical labor.
Most employees work 5 days a week for an average of 40 hours. There is the potential for working Saturday market sales but this is not a prerequisite.
Base pay starts at $13/hour.
Anyone who has worked for me can attest to the fact that you get to take home as much produce as you can use, and then some!
Teenagers 16 and older are welcome to apply.
​CREW SUPERVISOR - This position has been filled for 2024!
We are looking for a Crew Supervisor to help with the day-to-day running of the farm.
This job will consist of basic farm labor as well as helping to train and manage the Farm Crew. The Crew Supervisor will work closely with the Farmer but also be expected to work independently with the crew such that the farmer can focus on other big-picture projects. Ideally the Crew Supervisor will also help with problem-solving the day-to-day management of crops and systems. I am looking for someone who has ideas and is excited about small scale sustainable agriculture!
Work will be M-F for 40-50 hours a week, with the ability to work a few more hours on harvest days at peak season.
Looking for someone with demonstrated experience with small scale sustainable agriculture (2-3 years) as well as experience with managing a crew. Some experience with small machinery such as walking tractors and flame weeders is preferred.
The ideal candidate will have a positive attitude, enjoy physical work, and be intellectually curious.
Compensation starts at $15/hour.
Send an email explaining why you want to work with us as well as a resume to ancokell@gmail.com. If you don't have a resume feel free to email and let me know what you've done related to farm work and why you want this job! Qualified applicants will have a follow-up interview.